Saturday, April 7, 2007

Easter in New York

The weather in New York around Easter time is not as pleasant and suitable for the traditional Easter Parade on Fifth Avenue as could be hoped, but the magnolias, cherry blooms and myriad of flowers are making New York a magical place to see for the many visitors.

My gentleman friend with the roses invited me to take a long drive in the countryside where he lives in order to show me all the historical sights of the region. We had a lovely lunch and dinner, and we found lots of time to learn about each other: our taste for food music, literature, culture, movies, television, politics, travel and adventures, and most importantly lifestyle. The emails, text messages and telephone calls fly back and forth daily, providing us both with a sense of what we both are doing during the week. The key word is definitely “caution” and taking the relationship really slowly. “One Day at a Time.” I like that; I recall the line from a song from “South Pacific,” the musical, “Getting to Know You.”

Plans for future dates include walking in Central Park when the bloom is really out in full force, and also perhaps going to the Metropolitan Opera, which is a favorite for both of us.

Meanwhile, I get constant letters from about 3 to 4 women who now almost have become friends. Although I’ve never met them, they report from time to time about their romances to me, and I like that. It is really interesting to observe the impact that has had on these women’s lives.

People keep calling me, reporting that they have seen my commercial. The latest call was from my cousin in Canada who reported that she and her husband had spotted me on television in Florida while vacationing! I am almost surprised that they recognized me in the evening gown. Life is good because Spring is coming. Romance is also in the air!