Videotaping a documentary about my life - and Valentine's Day related happenings.
The big event since the last blog post happened was when Fred Golding, an Academy Award nominated producer called me up about videotaping a documentary of me to be used for the website. It will be posted soon on the site.
We agreed that for starters it would be a good thing to come to SCANDINAVIA HOUSE, a Scandinavian Cultural Center in NYC, to videotape me while I wore my “journalist hat” while attending a press preview of the opening of the Swedish Silver Exhibition which is going to be up until May 2007. They promised to be discreet, but how discreet can a television crew of 3 be trailing me around the showcases, causing quite a bit of stir and amusement from the president and vice president?. (I have worked there in the past). Fred, Alex, the video photographer, and Bruce, the co-producer, stayed with me about two hours.
The next day, the day before Valentine’s Day, they showed up as agreed at my apartment at 10 o’clock sharp. Here they followed me around as I pointed out my portraits, watercolors and the stories behind them. They took a good deal of time with me, interviewing me about my life, coming to this country, my previous life with my husband, who is now deceased, and about my children.
At about 11 o’clock they took a brief break. In a very short time, Fred was back, sprinting up the stairs, telling Alex to start up the camera again because someone was going to knock on the door. It turned out to be a messenger delivering a DOZEN LONG STEMMED BEAUTIFUL RED ROSES!!! I had no idea who could be behind that. It turned out to be from a nice gentleman who took me out the Saturday before! I was touched by this thoughtfulness needless to say, so the crew videotaped me putting the roses in a vase and also calling him up and thanking him for his thoughtfulness. I did not actually have a Valentine’s date, but he thoughtfully invited me out for a full day the following Saturday to enjoy the countryside of Cold Spring and Bear Mountains.
I took the train out and hiked the mountains for a couple of hours with him followed by lunch at a French restaurant in picturesque Cold Spring. We also visited the various cute little stores on Main Street and enjoyed the sight of the gorgeous mountains. The evening’s finale was a fireside cocktail hour and a cozy dinner at the Hudson House in Cold Spring. It was a most enjoyable day in the country and the weather was glorious!
The “winks” and emails come flying in fast and furious, but fortunately at a manageable pace. Before the campaign I had these visions of being hopelessly flooded with mail, but thank goodness I get about 5-6 a day, sometimes more, sometimes less…
Still it is the younger men that dominate the mail, and most of them are very far away and not suitable for dating. I even had a Danish man from Denmark email me. Still I get a fair amount of mail from other women, telling me how much they enjoy reading my blogs and my profile. I have apparently been very inspirational to them. I am thankful for that input. I keep receiving emails from an Asian woman in Singapore who updates me on the ways of Asian dating rituals. (Actually, they are not much different from those of New York). She mentioned having dates at the famous RAFFLES HOTEL, world renown hotel where my husband and I and our daughter were about 10 years ago. Fun to hear about that!
Also, a good number of people and friends have called me to let me know that they have seen my commercial on television or heard the radio commercial. sent the tv commercial to me in a DVD which I have now gotten copied and mailed out to my modeling agencies. Hopefully, it should result in some more work for me!